- Batman: Arkham Stad bygger på intensivt, atmosfäriska grunden för Batman: Arkham Asylum, skicka spelare skyhöga i Arkham City - fem gånger större än den spelvärld i Batman: Arkham Asylum - och den nya
- Battlefield 3 captures the intense reality of modern warfare across the globe. DICE is working closely with highly decorated ex-SAS operator and acclaimed author, Andy McNab, to ensure the authenticit
- The game, which continues the adventure that director and producer J.J. Abrams' envisioned with Star Trek (2009), boasts a story filled with action-packed combat as Kirk and Spock work together to st
- The most anticipated game of the year and the most epic Call of Duty game ever, Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3 will hit shelves worldwide on November 8th, delivering a multiplayer experience that conti
- Aliens: Colonial Marines is the highly anticipated first person shooter set after the events of ALIENS and is designed to provide an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe. Playe