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Bethesda Game Studios
Should probably fire their helicopter cameraman
Ominously lit carving of some dragons
Cameraman running through the forest
Slow zoom on a carving of Gandalf and hi
Litet hopp FAIL
- Website: www.divineworld.smfnew.com (will be buying a domain soon)
Webclient: http://www.divineworld.smfnew.com/index.php?page=webclient
Download: dl.dropbox.com/u/53909731/DivineWorldV2.jar
Rescue pup
- Day 1 - 1/23/14 - A single male kitten is discovered in the den of FP195. The 7-day-old kitten is cold (hypothermic) and listless and shows signs of hypoglycemia. FWC panther biologists determine the