- Ipsen also called Skånes alcoholic viking is making his debut in drinking. The videos has been put together with several clips when he is challenged by his friends. If you like this, go to our Faceboo
- Cuz i wasen't happy with my last "app" i made this small deagle clip, jupp i love smooths. Took my about 3-4 hours with the recording and stuff. And i had to redo everything due to a bug, so it took a
- "Funny Little World" Lyrics:
Suddenly I'm famous,
and people know my name.
I've got a thousand girls just waiting,
and therefore it's a shame
that my heart has been captured
by your funny little
- Monkey Stick Figure - Don't you take my banana
Music would be: System of a Down - Fuck the system
I was inspirated by: stickpage, xiao xiao, asdf movie, lazer collection, newgrounds and other stic