Created by 2 Huge Donkey Kong Fans: Chad Nikolaus & Angie Griffin
My favorite game game game game
Was one i played in the arcade cade cade cade
Those flaming barrells were a pain pai
- Killar från Sudan flyger till USA och provar på saker de aldrig provat på förut, såsom el och en vanlig dusch. Tänkvärd kortfilm som visar att det finns folk i världen som inte lever så modernt som vi
- I can't afford this art (/heart?)
Still I am responsible
If it will fall apart
Believe me, I don't want to go
You won't believe it's true
When I tell you 'bout my feelings
And what you're su
- Låttext: wake up in the mornin feelin like a slut (what up bitch?)
grab the longest object i can find and shove it up my butt
before i leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of cum
'cause all the boy