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Lilla Casanova Prank 01:44
- Lilla Casanova köper ett glas mjölk och rosor till heta damer och avslutar genom att lämna sitt telefonnummer.
Pranks 18 sep 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 012  
How to kill cows like a baws 03:34
- I had nothing to do so i built a COW DESTROYER and it was fun. If you enjoyed the video subscribe and like!
Spel 25 feb 2012   Av: Zudden   Klick: 4 012  
Instant Drunk Driving Prank 01:28
- A drunk wedding attendee gives a glass of sparkling wine to a driver to hold. While he's being interrogated by a police officer, a jogger shows up, drinks it and runs away, leaving the victim with an
Pranks 29 nov 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 728  
Scary Monster Funny Prank 01:10
- Good Samaritans are asked to get a piece of paper in an empty aquarium. Empty that is... until the super scary monster pops out of the hole and eats their arm!!!!
Pranks 7 mar 2012   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 650  
Beach Bunny Photo Session Fart Prank 01:27
- Så kan det gå när man ska bli fotad.
Pranks 4 nov 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 319  
Hidden camera - Dog Minder 01:35
- Personer ska vakta en hund ett litet tag sen springer den iväg och dom får panik!:D
Pranks 30 maj 2011   Av: Pumbaaz   Klick: 4 044  
Phone Thief Prank 01:16
- Trevliga människor försöker hjälpa en dam som förlorade sin telefon och blir plötsligt medveten om att dom har stulit telefonen!
Pranks 4 okt 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 317  
The Oscar For Best Special Effects Goes To... 01:08
- TV salesman has the perfect gimmick to sell his 3D remote controls. He pops out behind the victims, scares the hell out of them and then claims his remote did it.
Pranks 2 mar 2012   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 266  
Mobile Phone In Soup Prank 01:06
- A man lost his phone and happens to find it ringing in people's soups!
Pranks 3 feb 2012   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 539  
How To Kill Coows Like A Baws! 02:28
- This is my 2nd video killing cows and it's fun. If you enjoyed the video subscribe and like!
Coolt 26 feb 2012   Av: Zudden   Klick: 3 459  
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