Created by 2 Huge Donkey Kong Fans: Chad Nikolaus & Angie Griffin
My favorite game game game game
Was one i played in the arcade cade cade cade
Those flaming barrells were a pain pai
- SU-35BM hot on my tail. Javelin missiles locked on from the ground. Flares wouldn't do any good. There was only one reasonable option.
Music - Battlefield 1943 Theme
- You can download this song here: http://bit.ly/acappella-skyrim on iTunes and worldwide through a non-tunes link!
My first album just came out! Available in ALL countries! LINK: http://www.peterho
- Två glada killar har spelat in en video när dem mimar till Pokemon-låten. Det är nästan så att dem borde byta introt till Pokemon till det här klippet istället.