- Allt är möjligt när du går på kontaktdagarna 2012
Huvudsponsor: KPMG
Medsponsor: Handelsbanken
Tack till Janemars
Directed and produced by Duong Le & Manuel Timane (BCP)
- Click here to buy Mylo Xyloto http://links.emi.com/coldplayMX
This video was directed by Mat Whitecross in 2011 and was filmed in South Africa and London
Music video by Coldplay performing Paradise
- https://twitter.com/#!/bryanadams
Written by Adams, Kamen and Lange for the film "Robin Hood; Prince of Thieves". Available on the album "Waking Up The Neighbours", the video was shot on the coast of
- Directed by Steve Barron. This song written by Adams and Vallance, has become a classic. The "69" reference is not about the year, it's about nostalgia and making love in the summer time. https://twit