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- 1# Let's Scream! S2 Outlast (PS4) I AM A MOVIE DIRECTOR!!! brought to you by Akilles of Sweden. We recently finished Slender: The Arrival and now it is time to start season 2 of Let's Scream! This ti
- Kevin Butler, VP of The Cold Hard Truth, reassures us that Killzone 3 is going to be good great.
- 3# Let's Scream! S2 Outlast (PS4) THOSE CURVES!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this episode we continue to follow the story of the Father and Son in Outlast. Characters are trademarked. Any u
- 4# Let's Scream! S2 Outlast (PS4) BASEMENT JUMPSCARE!!! feat JoshGoggles brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this episode we explore the creepy basement we discovered in the last episode. Down there