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Smashing Crockery, Baseball bat - The Slow Mo Guys. 03:09
- Gav and Dan take a break from filming, and have an absolutely smashing time. Lots of perfectly good china was harmed in the making of this video. Shot at 2500fps Smashing Crockery, Baseball bat -
Coolt 24 aug 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 153  
Steve Spangler on The Ellen Show April 2010 06:59
- Steve returns to The Ellen DeGeneres Show with some explosive experiments. You won't believe your eyes when Steve makes a cloud in a bottle, makes a huge fireball and creates an explosion using liquid
Coolt 27 sep 2010   Av: Theyoutubeman   Klick: 3 088  
Ovanligt hotell 01:40
- Behöver du en semester? Vill du uppleva livet i den sovjetiska marinen? Då är detta hangarfartyg hotellet för dig.
Övrigt 23 sep 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 856  
Captain Awesome Artillery Stunt Fail 00:40
- I don't know guys, maybe they're on to something here. It seems like the whole "Captain Awesome" franchise could really blow up.
WTF 26 aug 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 035  
Genius Uses Lighter To Check Fuel Tank 01:51
WTF 28 jun 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 1 620  
Firework Fail 00:34
- Kanske sätta upp en ordentlig ramp nästa gång?
LOL 4 jul 2011   Av: jojjannes   Klick: 3 304  
Norway Oslo Terrorist Attack (slideshow) 01:46
- R.I.P
TV-klipp 23 jul 2011   Av: Daenon   Klick: 3 939  
Bomb Squad Recruits Kid To Diffuse Car Bombs Prank 01:39
- Bomb Squad officer stannar bilar för att genomsöka dem för dolda spränganordningar. När han hittar en, får han ett litet barn att gå och hämta den och detonera den i en soptunna någonstans långt ifrån
Pranks 28 okt 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 3 142  
- Sledgehammer Week continues! After Gav and Dan smashed a PC yesterday we asked if you'd like to see a Mac get smashed as well. The outcome was a massively unified "YES!"
Coolt 5 dec 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 900  
Spaghetti Explosion - Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time 02:21
- We have done swedish food. Swedishly. Deal with it. Some might argue this is italian food, but this is what we eat on a wednesday. SWEDEN! ( filmed with an iPhone4, edit with Premiere CS5 )
Coolt 1 jan 2012   Av: yosef2020   Klick: 2 089  
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