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Ke$ha - Tik Tok Parodi (chatroulette version) 03:54
- Låttext: wake up in the mornin feelin like a slut (what up bitch?) grab the longest object i can find and shove it up my butt before i leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of cum 'cause all the boy
WTF 14 apr 2010   Av: Jesper   Klick: 9 835  
Jack Moy - After rain comes change 03:42
- Follow me on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jack-Moy/139614776064383 Text: Jack Moy Music: David Axelsson, Jack Moy & Claes Kjellberg Album: Heartbreak and bloodshed aint rehab 2011
Musik 8 sep 2011   Av: Jacky   Klick: 4 233  
Jace Hall - I Play W.O.W Music Video 04:16
- Follow @jacehall on twitter! World of Warcraft. To download the song go to: www.jacehallshow.com/iplaywow Lyrics: Chorus- I Play WOW Cant nobody mess with me now Im on a quest with my guil
Spel 16 sep 2010   Av: bardeshir   Klick: 5 015  
Santana - Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) 04:20
- Lyrics: Man its a hot one Like seven inches from the midday sun I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone But you stay so cool My mu equita my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa Your my reason for
Musik 25 jul 2012   Av: Jos00101   Klick: 2 490  
Ghost K -Stop! (blue mix) 03:33
- We express the same things but with different words We acknowledge the same curve and those might-have-heareds Just like the last line you draw to remind of past-time A fast-winded feeling of fre
Musik 31 aug 2013   Av: Daenon   Klick: 2 144  
Tig Ol' Bitties - (Your Favorite Martian music video) 03:52
- There's an Eminem reference, a Monty Python reference, and a Family Guy reference in this video. Can you find em all? ;)
Musik 21 jun 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 819  
I Just Got Ganked (LoL Parody) 03:06
- Summoner names: Pen 1sland, crispnugget, Candeezy, xlxjoelxlx, o rizzy o Server: NA Thank you LoL without you guys I would not have got the inspiration to make this. AutoTune FTW!! Thank you to
Parodier 12 aug 2011   Av: Hassman   Klick: 3 284  
Appclip for Savior Films. 01:04
- Cuz i wasen't happy with my last "app" i made this small deagle clip, jupp i love smooths. Took my about 3-4 hours with the recording and stuff. And i had to redo everything due to a bug, so it took a
Spel 19 jul 2010   Av: davven   Klick: 3 221