- In my very first dub, I lampoon "Friday" by Rebecca Black while it's still relevant. I provided all the voices and sound effects. And yes, that's my Christopher Walken impression. :)
- Sing & Dance with me! This is not the version, this is a different one.
It's basically repeating the same all over again. Well I was having fun with this one, so sorry if I look ridicoules and please
- Read: The new internet star, CathyMay15 from Norway. Let's get this viral.
Just to clarify; This is not me singing, it's CathyMay15.
So please stop sending? me PM's asking me to marry you.
She de
- for PJ.
gif from http://www.prguitarman.com/index.php?id=348
song from http://www.nicomimi.net/play/sm13455867
***I own neither***
piano sheet music by BrandonCarrita: http://www.2shared.com
- Get the song off iTunes :) (will be up shortly) http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-just-held-hands-single/id424291063
Get a physical copy of my original EP "Dinner and a Movie" and a new shirt here
- Bullens pilsnerkorv. Its a Swedish sausage. AND ITS DELICIOUS!
Not fine with it? Eat a rock, hater, and call the care-police.
We had a few projects along with the university. Now, they are done. S
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/ZombieLoveSong
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Produced by Atomic Beats
You don't know me,
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/HeyMrBurns
**NOTE** Yes, that familiar progression you're hearing is Pachelbel's Canon in D. It's commonly used as a wedding song. Get it? :)
Lyrics and voca
- Download this song on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/42-single/id414138118
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/ClubVillain
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Produced by Mavrick
It was a Friday ni
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/BottlesofBeer
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Beat by Kurt Hugo Schneider and Ray Johnson
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/StereotypesSong
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Beat by Kurt Hugo Schneider
I did NOT get the Sco
- DOWNLOAD THE MP3: http://tinyurl.com/ClubVillain
Lyrics and vocals by Ray Johnson
Produced by Mavrick
It was a Friday ni
- Tweet it! http://bit.ly/rtUFO
Facebook it! http://on.fb.me/g6Q0nS
The last video from our roadtrip! I encounter an advance alien invasion force in New Mexico, and I take care of it... with my LAZE
- OUTRO SONG: http://www.youtube.com/yourfavoritemartian
FACEBOOK: ?http://www.facebook.com/raywilliamjohnson?
TWITTER: ?https://twitter.com/RayWJ?
Equals Three t-shirts are here: